Santa Cruz County Foreclosures



Welcome! Please feel free to click on any of the following links to view ALL of the Santa Cruz County Foreclosure's (REO's or Real Estate Owned or Bank-Owned) that are currently on the market in Santa Cruz County. I have separated them by category to help you with your search. If you do not see anything that interests you, you can perform your own Santa Cruz County Foreclosure MLS Search that meets your own specific needs in a new home; whether it is your first or second home, a vacation home or as an income producing investment. And don't forget to save your search so you can receive automatic email updates.




Single Family Residences


Manufactured Home





If you would like to see any of these Santa Cruz County Foreclosures or would like more information please feel free to call or email me anytime. Most REO listings sell within days of being posted on the MLS and require a detailed qualification package to accompany all offers. I have extensive experience working with Buyer's of Santa Cruz County Foreclosures so if any of these great opportunities interest you, don't delay, call me anytime.